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If you have any work related safety and health concerns please fill out this form and return to any of the officers listed below. We will address your concerns with the Thruway. This form is not intended for Thruway Management use and should not be provided to the Thruway.​  This form can be used by any CSEA Local 058 member.



This form is the Authorities internal work unit safety report. It can be used by any Authority employee. We ask that if you use this form to report your safety concerns to the Authority that you also advise any of the Officers listed below if you would also like assistance from CSEA Local 058 with your concerns.


Workers Wearing Helmets and Jackets

With the high temperatures brings additional responsibility to employers as it relates to heat related illnesses on our members who work outdoors. The link below from OSHA is the recommend 12 elements to a successful heat illness prevention program. 



If you have any questions, please reach out to your LRS and Brian Pomeroy, Occupational Health & Safety Specialist at (518) 782-4410.

If you need assistance please contact the following:

Michael Osborne

Sean Kennedy

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